To See a World
On June 23rd at 3:00 PM, Jong Vocaal Groningen invites you to a special musical experience at the Lutheran Church in Groningen. Our concert, titled ‘To see a world,’ promises a journey through the world of sacred music and poetic beauty.
Het programma bestaat voornamelijk uit geestelijke liederen, waaronder psalmteksten op muziek gezet door Sweelinck, MacMillan en Kreek. U zult ook prachtige marialiederen horen van Rue, avondgebeden van Mendelssohn en het beroemde ‘Deer’s Cry’ van Arvo Pärt. Daarnaast presenteren we liederen op mystieke en spirituele gedichten van Emily Dickinson (Bikkembergs), William Blake (Sandström) en Rabindranath Tagore (Fictoor).
In addition to the sacred themes, there are also pieces inspired by nature and the transience of life. The program offers a rich variety of music, with compositions ranging from the Renaissance to contemporary works from different countries. There is a special focus on composers from Northern Europe, such as Kreek, Pärt, and Uusberg from Estonia, and Jennefelt and Stemhammar from Sweden, alongside composers from the Netherlands and Belgium like Sweelinck, Rue, Josquin, Bikkembergs, and Fictoor.
De Tagore song van Chris Fictoor gaan tijdens ons concert in wereld première!
17 november 2024
kerk, Hellum
- Concert start: 3:00 PM
- Address: